Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Old men are too sexy to deny

Jafar's Disguise in Aladin
I can hear everyones arguments against this already, but ask yourself this- has Jafar's disguise ever been anything but sexy? I mean, look at the flawless orthodontist work- he has three times the teeth of anyone, and get this... they're MULTICOLORED! teeth come in white, purple, gray and yellow. (But his are mostly yellow.) Still, it's more interesting than white. And don't you love his textured, messy hair? You can see the time, effort and amazing texture cream that no one (not even Vanessa Hudgens) has ever heard of. Of course, we can't forget about his phsycotic, manic eyes. Their intenisty is either riveting or creepy. Maybe both. -Masov

Okay, this sexy beast obviously has to model for Dolce and Gabbana. I can't even begin to describe how sexy he is. He makes me jizz my pants. I honestly don't understand why girls would go for anyone under the age of 87. I mean, the wrinkles and the white hair, so manly and seasoned with age. He is much too sexy for a shirt. That is why he has a sexy purple poncho. I mean only the sexiest people in the world weaar ponchos. Case closed. And lastly, I absolutley have to mention his knees. Such fine works of art I have not seen in my years. And the way he walks in such a manner to keep his legs open at all times makes it so easy for me to see up his poncho, which is one of my favorite hobbies. I must say, that poncho gives easy access. Excuse me while I go have an orgasm. ....  - Pizpez <3

This paragraph is dedicated to the haters of creepy old men. Let's get one thing straight, age is their only difference and just because their teeth are falling out does not make them any less sexy. Their wrinkles adorn their face in a way that is unattainable by any other method than aging. The old man (who is Jafar in disguise), is a known model in Italy for all of the haters who didn't know. Once they find out they will be all over him, but for now old men are endangered, just the same as Giant Pandas. It is my dream that one day there will be a foundation started in honour of the old men in the world who have been traumatized by hateful incidents. So next time you see an old man, remember that it's not only old ladies who need help crossing the street. Old men require your assistance as well (they need to go downtown). When you help a Jafar in disguise cross the street, they might smile (and reveal their multicoloured teeth). There is nothing to lose, you will get to observe the sexy manner in which they walk, and perhaps they will lock you in a sphinx and steal your valuables (old men are poor). -Gofumekel

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